PSoC MiniProg3 Program and Debug Kit

  • Mã sản phẩm: CY8CKIT-002
  • Nhà sản xuất: Cypress
  • Website hỗ trợ:

PSoC™ MiniProg3 Program and Debug Kit

The newer MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit supports PSoC™ 4, PSoC™ 5LP, and PSoC™ 6 devices with SWD, using industry standard CMSIS-DAP as the transport mechanism. It also provides USB-UART, USB-I2C, and USB-SPI bridging.

The MiniProg3 supports the following protocols:

  • SWD
  • JTAG
  • ISSP
  • USB-I2C

Included with the kit is a 10-pin ribbon cable for connecting to standard 10-pin SWD/JTAG header interfaces utilized for our PSoC™ 3, PSoC™ 4, PSoC™ 5LP and PSoC™ 6 device families and the 5-pin ISSP programming header for PSoC™ 1 device family. The 5-pin connector also supports the USB-I2C Bridging capabilities and is a superset of the CY3240 capabilities. Please note, the CY8CKIT-002 only contains the MiniProg3 and supporting


Parametrics CY8CKIT-002
Bluetooth Standard 4.1/4.2
Board Type Evaluation Board
CapSense No
Connectivity Single-mode BLE
Core Arm Cortex-M0
Family Microcontroller
Input Type DC
Product Description The PSoC™ MiniProg3 Program and Debug Kit is an all-in-one programmer for PSoC™ 1, PSoC™ 3, PSoC™ 4 and PSoC™ 5LP architectures, debug tool for PSoC™ 3, PSoC™ 4 and PSoC™ 5LP architectures, and a USB-I2C Bridge for debugging I2C serial connections and communicating to PSoC devices.
Programming/Bridging USB-Serial
Qualification Industrial ; Consumer
Software Ecosystem PSoC™ Creator
Target Application Industrial automation ; Home entertainment ; Wearables
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