• Mã sản phẩm: STM32H747I-DISCO
  • Nhà sản xuất: STMicroelectronics
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STM32H747 Discovery STM32H7 ARM® Cortex®-M4, Cortex®-M7 MCU 32-Bit Embedded Evaluation Board

The STM32H747I-DISCO Discovery kit is a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics STM32H747XIH6 microcontroller, designed to simplify user application development.

STM32H747I-DISC1 is the subset of STM32H747I-DISCO without the LCD display module.
The full range of hardware features available on the boards helps users improve application development by an evaluation of all the peripherals (USB OTG HS, Ethernet, microSD™ card, SAI Audio DAC stereo with audio jack input and output, MEMS digital microphone, SDRAM, Quad-SPI Flash, DCMI connector, MIPI® DSI interface, and others). Arduino™ Uno V3 and Pmod™/STMod+ connectors provide easy connection to extension shields or daughterboards for specific applications.
STLINK-V3E is integrated into the board, as the embedded in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM32 MCU and USB Virtual COM port bridge.


  • STM32H747XIH6 Arm®-based microcontroller with 2 Mbytes of Flash memory and 1 Mbyte of RAM in TFBGA240 + 25 package
  • 4” capacitive touch LCD display module with MIPI® DSI interface (STM32H747I-DISCO order code only)
  • Ethernet compliant with IEEE802.3-2002
  • SAI audio codec
  • ST-MEMS digital microphones
  • 2 x 512-Mbit Quad-SPI NOR Flash memory
  • 256-Mbit SDRAM
  • 4 color user LEDs


  • 1 user and reset push-button
  • 4-direction joystick with selection button
  • Fanout daughterboard
  • Board connectors:
    • Camera (8-bit)
    • USB with Micro-AB
    • Ethernet RJ45
    • SPDIF RCA input and output
    • Stereo headset jack including analog microphone input
    • Audio jack for external speakers
    • microSD™ card
    • TAG-Connect 10-pin footprint
    • Arm® Cortex® 10-pin 1.27 mm-pitch debug connector over STDC14 footprint
  • Board expansion connectors:
    • Arduino™ Uno V3
    • Pmod™ Type 2A and Type 4A
    • STMod+
    • Audio daughterboard
  • Flexible power-supply options:
    • ST-LINK USB VBUS, USB OTG HS connector, or external sources
  • On-board STLINK-V3E debugger/programmer with USB re-enumeration capability: mass storage, Virtual COM port and debug port
  • Comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube MCU Package
  • Support of a wide choice of integrated development environments (IDEs), including IAR™, Keil® and GCC-based IDEs


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